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Soon Hyung Hong


Educational Background

Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, 1984

M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, 1978

B.S. in Metallurgical Engineering, Seoul National University, 1976


2019-Present: Director, Nanotechnology Research Institute, Jiaxing University, China

2014-2016: Director, National Research Foundation (NRF), Korea

2011-2011: President, Korean Society Composite Materials (KSCM), Korea

2008-2008: President, Korea Powder Metallurgy Institute (KPMI), Korea

2006-2010: Director, KAIST Institute for the NanoCentury (KINC), Korea

1986-2019: Professor, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea

1984-1986: Research Fellow, Stanford University, USA

Academic Activities

2019-Present: Vice President, Korean Academy of Science and Technology

2017-Present: Editorial Board Member, Journal of Composites Science

2014-2016: Editor-in-Chief, Nano Convergence

2006-Present: Editorial Board Member, Composites Science and Technology